
Thursday, 9 April 2015

New and Exciting Stuff!!

Yay, we've got a blog!  This should make it easier to keep everyone up to date with news and updates!

We have a few announcements to make!

1. New Signs, Blog, and FAQ
2. Minor Changes to Charts
3. Web Content for SagaKitty charts
4. Upcoming Contest
5. In-world Chart Updates
6. Coming Soon: Monthly Proof Analysis (Educational)

1. New Signs, Blog, and FAQ

Your SagaKitty chart signs are really old: time to replace them with new ones! 

The new sign links to the new blog at  The blog will contain news (like this!), links to the charts, and also a link to a new FAQ document: a new Google Docs page (no account required) with links to the charts, to Saga's "Facts" and "Trait Talk", and answers some of the common questions we've been getting in email (it should save us a bit of time so we can spend more time on answering proofs!) 

We're sending out the new signs in-world but if you didn't get one, just ask SagaKitty and we'll send you one! Until then, please visit the new blog and you'll find a link there to the new FAQ, the charts, and other things.

The sign is modifiable so you can resize it or whatever, and it's transferable and copyable so you can pass it around, put it up in all your auction areas, give one to each of your cats ;) etc.

If you know how, you can also go into the script inside it and change the colour of the hovertext, or even turn the hovertext off.

The sign is set to "Anyone Can Copy" so your patrons, breeders, sellers, visitors, etc. can grab a copy for themselves by right-clicking the sign and selecting More / Take Copy.  We'd appreciate if you left all of the permissions as they are to make it easier to share the sign with everyone who wants one.

If you'd like to see your market's web site listed in the "KittyCatS™ Markets" box on the blog, please send the following information to SagaKitty in SL or to
a. The URL to your market's web site
b. The exact text (I will copy/paste!) you want to appear as the link text
If your market doesn't have a web site, we can link to a SLURL instead, so just send the SLURL to your main landing point for (a) instead of a URL.

2. Minor Changes to Charts

You've probably noticed a few changes to the charts:

a. The retired and limited edition traits are now listed in a second sheet beside the main sheet.  The retired furs are in a sheet in the Furs chart, the retired and limited edition eyes are listed in a sheet in the Eyes chart, and the retired and limited edition traits are listed in a sheet in the Traits chart.  Furs/Eyes/Traits are grouped by retirement date or collection and also listed alphabetically for quick searching. This should be more convenient and also easier to use.

b. The Genesis furs section on the Furs chart was getting messy, so we're re-organizing it.  With the new Generation 5 Genesis furs needing space until their dominance order is finalized, that whole area of the chart is going to become confusing and unattractive.  I'm still not pleased with the way it currently appears so we might actually just move the Genesis furs to their own sheet. 

c. The blue key for cells that were identified as "estimated order" is obsolete and will be removed in the near future.

d. The latest proofs we've received for new traits are listed in a box on the top-right of each chart.  We'll leave new proofs up there until they're placed, then wait a few weeks before we remove them.  It's hard to find out what has been updated but this and the new in-world updater (see below) will help with this a lot.

3. Web Content for SagaKitty charts

Some of you have been asking for content (links and logo) for your market web sites.  Feel free to link to any of the URLs (they're all listed on the right side of the new blog).

I also have the original logos that Khea made for Saga if you'd like to use those (I have received permission to pass these on for advertising purposes on market web sites), also.  Just email and we'll send you the logo images you can use.

4. Upcoming Contest

OMG a CONTEST!!  This is like a "KittyCatS Most Wanted" of KittyCatS proofs.  If you've looked at the charts recently (especially furs and eyes) you'll notice there are LOTS of unknowns and most of them are really old!  Heck, we've even got unknowns for traits that are now retired!  The problem with the older traits is that people don't really breed for them much anymore, so it's almost impossible to get proofs for these old traits unless someone takes it on as a project.  Isn't it about time we finally narrowed down Odyssey Slush and figured out if the retired Foxie Auburn is dominant or recessive to Chateau Grey & White No.1??

So, in order to get some of these older traits proven and in their proper places, we've decided to offer a "bounty" for some of these proofs!  We'll be choosing a list of 5 to 10 traits that are currently "unknown" and in need of solid proofs.  Anyone who provides enough solid proof to place these traits in their correct positions will win a really cool prize box!  We'll also offer prizes for narrowing down a trait with a huge range.  Contest rules and details will be released within the next week or so.

Prizes will include KittyCatS gift certificates and various gift certificates and "one of a kind" items from community members.  If you have any ideas for things you could add to the prizes (or if you know any great creators of KittyCatS stuff - hats, collars, clothes, shelves, displays, beds, etc even discounts/redeemable cards for cart/shop rental) that would be interested in having their stuff included in the prizes, please let WendiKitteh (wendi.lavendel) know. :)  I can reimburse some $L for the prizes if needed (if this works, it could go on as long as we have traits to prove o.O  I don't want anyone to have any hardship).  We've already received some amazing goodies from Julia Merosi of FelineS KittyCatS, Sanura Snowpaw of Somnia, and The Mad Cat Lady herself, Nino Heartsdale.  Folks who donate prizes will have their names and business name mentioned in the contest details and on the contest page as sponsors.  If you'd like more details, please contact WendiKitteh (wendi.lavendel) in-world.

We hope to start the contest the week of April 20th!

5. In-world Chart Updates

I've been working on an in-world board that displays the latest updates to the Saga Charts.  It lists the latest changes so that people can quickly see what's been added/edited without having to hunt through the spreadsheets looking to see "..has xyz trait has been updated yet or not??"

I'm still messing around with it but I'm hoping it will be ready in a few days.  It's FREE so I'll make sure I pass them around when they come out and leave some in prominent places where you can get one.  These will be cool boards: you can put it at your auction areas or at your main landing point and people can get a quick look at the latest chart updates!

Here are a couple of photos:

6. Coming Soon: Monthly Proof Analysis (Educational)

As a change-up from the IBP (Interactive Breeding Project), we'll be starting up a monthly series about proofs.  This should help people eliminate some of the guesswork and cut down on the number of proofs we get that aren't solid, and therefore allow us to update the charts faster!

Sometimes we get a lot of the same types of proofs with information missing or assumed, and we see a LOT of proofs like that on the forums also.  This series will take various proofs and discuss in detail why they'd be considered valid or invalid, and how to make sure all the necessary information is included with a proof, etc.  We won't use actual proofs without permission from the breeders; in fact, we might just copy all the text info into an easier-to-read image and leave out the names of breeders and give the cats simpler names - those of us with bad/old eyes can probably relate how hard those pedis are to read :)

That's it for now! There are a few other things in the future but we'll leave those for another day.  Thanks for reading and may you all breed out your dream kitties!

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